Commercial Titles

Commercial Titles

Commercial title search is more complex than residential searching in that there are other aspects of research to cover in search. These searches require much more diligence than residential ones. Almost always, there are subdivisions or plans recorded on commercial properties. Further, legal descriptions must be ensured of / and any access roads confirmed, and historical use.

Most often property title came through a real estate developer as an owner. You can envision that empty land was once a farm. A developer comes along and lays out a plan. This indicates there will be more volume of conveyances, rights of way, leases, etc. and perhaps mortgages in search work. We check county assessment records to determine what type of uses this property have had its history. It might make a difference to a buyer, if this property had a chicken coop or service station located on it. Service stations are a red flag for underground storage tanks. We will bring this type of information to our client’s attention.

We have searched many shopping centers, malls, hospitals, office buildings, restaurants, resorts, industrial properties and even a prison on 95 acres.

Furthermore, we are thorough in our search work. What is amazing is we continue to learn and see different documents and filings in our research. We didn’t even mention the challenge of learning each office’s indexing tricks. BUYERS BEWARE, don’t try this type of research on your own. We recommend purchasing title insurance to protect your investment.

Email us or, if you prefer, call 724.832.8683 M-F 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.  to speak with an associate.
