WPS will ensure property you purchase is insurable

WPS will ensure property you purchase is insurable

Title Insurance Protection

First off you may wonder what is title protection. Basically it covers the history of real estate you are purchasing. Every house sits on land that has its very own history. We research this history in our title search to protect your investment.

Westmoreland Paralegal Services encourages consumers/buyers to consider purchasing title insurance to ensure their new home and land is protected. Most lenders require a lender title insurance policy. We are recommending you purchase an owner’s title insurance policy to cover the value of your investment as well.  For many, this is the single largest purchase/investment of a lifetime.

Encountering problems with title to your new home can limit your enjoyment and investment of the property. Only title insurance fully protects consumers should there be a title problem.

Email us Settled@WestmorelandParalegal.com or if you prefer, call 724.832.8683 M-F 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.  to speak with an associate.